Prefabrik Yapı A.Ş. recognizes the Importance of Cooperation and Union of forces.
We are required to be aware of the significance of cooperation and union of forces, together with the concepts such as, change, development, innovation, R & D and sustainable business models. In the important projects we hosted and in our services and activities we acted as visitor, there are our incentives for persons and institutions with our entrepreneurship culture and successful operational power. Cooperation and union of forces are maintained at the highest level with the existing statutes and the regulations configured. Where universal values are being protected, to support every initiative that is holistic and effective in itself, to make it important on the sectoral basis, and to ensure cooperation and union of forces in the competitive environment are among the most important indicators.
Contractors, Consultants and Material manufacturers should come together and develop their market share in Turkey and abroad,Activities should be carried out to increase brand awareness, Influential platforms should be created for common projects, Innovative solutions should be provided by directing the public and private sectors.
On behalf of our country, we support cooperation and union of forces in every field primarily in the construction sector. We wish the proper and correct platforms to be permanent for the new formations and developments. We should promote the power that can arise from unity with the creation of joint solutions, support of capacity and high enterprises, adoption of cooperative cultures and constitution of partnetship models.